信任 & 密歇根州大急流城的房地产诉讼律师

If you have a dispute, contact 龙8国际app today to discuss your dispute, and explore your options.

在一个完美的世界, you only need an estate attorney to help you create a plan that protects your wealth. However, estate plans are not always executed as well as the creator might have hoped. This can lead to trust litigation involving loved ones, trustees, and the original 律师事务所. Disputes can be costly and often eat away at estates, so it’s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons before pursuing a case.


当你聘请客户端密歇根的房地产律师时, we can advise you on whether you have a strong enough case to move forward. These are some of the most common legitimate reasons we have encountered over the years:

信任或意志竞赛: If you believe your loved one created the will or trust under duress or while not in a mental state to handle financial duties, you may have sufficient grounds to contest the documents.

共有财产: People often attempt to absorb jointly owned property into a trust without the other individual’s consent, which can create ownership and property transfer complexities.

费用结构: 有时, attorneys and trustees charge so much for managing trusts that the heirs or beneficiaries hardly benefit from the arrangement as much as they do.

违反信义义务: This is one of the most common causes for litigation against trustees and executors and often follows unwise decisions made by appointed individuals.


遗嘱法是复杂的, especially when individuals have multiple streams of income that span several jurisdictions. The larger the estate, the more complex it might become. Attorneys in this area must therefore have both legal and financial aptitude to sort through the details. Hiring an attorney at the onset can also ensure your rights are protected and might deter shady characters from pursuing certain courses of action.

你的地产律师在 龙8国际app can also help you with the process of determining whether you should file a petition or civil action. We can complete the paperwork on your behalf and represent your best interests in court. 在某些情况下, we might even request protection orders for you and your household to reduce the likelihood of things escalating out of control.

根据密歇根法院规则, probate litigation might involve a petition to the probate court, 或者在某些情况下, 民事诉讼. MCR§5.001-.784,801和802. Whether you need a petition or 民事诉讼, the probate lawyers at 龙8国际app 可以帮助. 遗嘱认证诉讼通常涉及:

  • 违反信义义务;
  • 自营的受托人或者个人代表;
  • 相信比赛;
  • 将比赛;
  • 继承人的确定;
  • 对共有财产的质疑;
  • 确定配偶/家庭权利;
  • 税收分配;
  • Property transfer; and
  • Property transfer; and Challenge to attorney/trustee/fiduciary fees.

At the outset of the case, your probate lawyer will inventory the assets and appointments. Second, the probate lawyer will review the transfers, along with related records and information. 在某些情况下, a protective order might be necessary to maintain the status quo; thus, asking the probate judge to restrict the conduct of a trustee or personal representative who is not properly managing the assets of the estate.


客户端的律师事务所雇佣了大量的律师 律师团队 谁愿意为你服务. Not being a one-person operation also provides a larger pool of legal resources we can tap into for complex cases. 客户端提供全方位服务 律师事务所, so if your case spans several practice areas, you have come to the right place. Additionally, it allows us to give each client case we take on the one-on-one attention it deserves. 

Would you like one of our estate planning attorneys to review your case? 客户端提供 免费初次咨询. Give us a call at 269-382-4818 to schedule your call today.

Adam Keilen, in my opinion, is the best counsel I have ever dealt with. His knowledge of the law and commitment to serving his clients are attributes everyone should look for when selecting an attorney to work with. What really stands out is his attention to detail and making sure his clients understand critical information. He makes sure that every possible issue is considered when drafting or reviewing a contract. 他在他的领域里确实是顶尖的专业人士. Adam is fair, responsive, understanding, professional, and exceptionally competent. He has never failed to give a timely response to any request and they have always been thorough and thoughtful. His network is extensive and his reputation invaluable. 他继续超越. I view Adam as a critical partner in my business and its future success.

- Trilliam, LLC (Tracie Wood,共同所有人)